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浙江教师招聘面试:教师招聘面试英语—《Where is my car? Part A Let’s learn》试讲稿

2023-04-17 13:44:28


   浙江教师招聘面试整理了2023年浙江教师招聘面试英语—《Where is my car? Part A Let’s learn》(试讲/说课稿)的资料,大家备考面试可以查阅参考这一资料,

  《Wher is my car? Part A Let’s learn》试讲稿


  Good morning, my dear judges. I’m No. 2 candidate, applying for primary school English teacher. My topic is Unit 4 Wher is my car? Part A Let’s learn. May I begin now? OK, thank you.

  Step 1. Warm-up and Lead-in

  T: Good morning, boys and girls, how are you today?

  S: …

  T: Yeah, I’m fine too. Thank you. How about singing a song together before our lesson?

  On, in, under, on in, under, on in under, wher is my pencil box?

  On in under, on in under, on in under, wher is my eraser?

  T: Great, you did a good job. Your singing is beautiful.

  Step 2. Presentation

  T: School things are very important for us. I can see there are many things on your desk. What’s on your desk?

  S: …

  T: Yes, there are many books and a pencil box on your desk. What’s in your desk?

  S: …

  T: Good, your school bag is in your desk.

  T: Read after me, desk desk. [e] [e] desk.【转身板书该核心单词】

  S: …

  T: I also have many books on my desk. But I can’t find my dictionary, wher is it? Can you help me? Wow, it’s under my chair. [tʃ] [tʃ] chair. Read after me, boys and girls, chair 【升调读一遍】chair【降调读一遍】. 【转身板书该核心单词】

  S: …

  T: You have so many things on your desks. Do you think you have a clean desk? Yes or no?

  S: …

  T: Great. You think you have a clean desk at school. Do you have a clean desk at home? I don’t know, but I hope so.

  T: Look at this picture. Who is it? Yes, it is our friend –lovely Zip. It is a happy squirrel. We can see it smiling often. But what is going on here? Zip is not very happy now. Can you guess?

  S: …

  T: Good guess. But I’m not sure. Maybe Zip is thinking about something. Zip needs our help. How about listening to the radio and find out? Wher is Zip? What is Zip doing?


  T: Who can answer the questions? Linda, have a try.

  S: …

  T: Zip is on the desk. She is looking for something. What is she looking for?

  S: …

  T: Bingo! She’s looking for a ruler. Wher is her ruler?

  S: …

  T: Right. Her ruler is under the chair.

  Step 3. Practice

  Activity 1. Let’s chant

  T: Boys and girls, the little bird and us help Zip find her ruler. It’s important for us to remember wher we put things. Do you agree? Great. Now, I have a chant for you. Let’s chant together.

  On, on, on the desk. I put my pencil box on the desk.

  In, in, in the desk, I put my schoolbag in the desk.

  Under, under, under my desk, I don’t put my books under the desk.


  S: …

  T: Great, you are so lovely.

  Activity 2: Pair work

  T: Boys and girls, I want to show you a picture of my study. Oh, do you like it? You don’t like it. Why?

  S: …

  T: You think I didn’t put things in right places. Oh, wher is the ruler? Wher is the bag? Can you help me to put them away? Wher can we put the pencil/ ruler/ pencil box/ ,..? Now discuss in pairs.

  S: …

  T: Which pair wants to share your discussion? OK, this pair comes to the front please.

  S: …

  T: You set a good example for us. Let’s clap for them.

  Step 4. Consolidation.

  Design our own study

  T: Boys and girls, I have many stickers of things in study. Look, what are they?

  S: …

  T: I prepare stickers of ruler, schoolbag, pencils, pencil box, chair, wow. There are also some lovely animal toys. It’s your turn to design your own study. Listen to me carefully. Stick a chair on the paper. Stick a desk on the paper. Stick a toy bear on the paper. Stick a schoolbag on the paper….

  S: …

  T: Have you finished? I have finished my study. Wher is my schoolbag? Wher is my desk? Wher is my chair?

  S: …

  T: Wow, my picture is the same as yours. We are friends. Boys and girls, now stand up and walk around the classroom to ask your classmates likes this and find your friends. Is 5 minutes enough? Here we go!

  S: …

  T: Time is up. Let me see who have many friends in our class. Good. You all did great job. Congratulations.

  Step 5. Summary

  T: It’s time to say goodbye. Today we’ve learnt how to put our things in right places. That’s very important in our daily life.

  Step 6. Homework

  T: After class, please draw your own bedroom as you wish. You can also surf the Internet for more pictures. Take it to share with your classmates next time. So much for today, good bye.

  That’s all for my presentation. Thank you very much for listening.

  II. Blackboarddesign

  以上为浙江教师招聘面试:教师招聘面试英语—《Where is my car? Part A Let’s learn》试讲稿!的相关内容,如果您还想了解更多有关浙江教师招聘面试真题,浙江国编考试,浙江三支一扶考试,浙江特岗教师,如浙江招教公告、招教资讯、报考指南、报名入口、成绩查询、招教答疑、历年真题、备考资料、面试技巧等相关信息,请关注浙江教师招聘考试网即时更新消息。

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